Sunday, April 9, 2017

5 ways to IMMEDIATELY double your gains

I have some VERY exciting new for you. My friend Ben Pakulski, one of the top IFBB Pro bodybuilders in the world,
just sent me something truly eye opening.

 I'll share that with you in a moment. 

But first, you've probably been watching and hearing 

about Ben's brand new 40 day program - MI40 Foundation. 

You'll learn how to DOUBLE your muscle gains with the scientific significance of the number 40 in it's application to muscle growth: 
40 days!
40 second rest periods! 
The number 40 is the IDEAL  number for some of the most critical
muscle-growth variables, and for the very first time it's been organized
into 40 days of structured and progressive workouts.

He's spent over 20 years accumulating knowledge from the best strength coaches, bodybuilders, nutritionists, and exercise scientists in the WORLD and compiling it all into a single comprehensive program. 
His goal is to deliver the training and nutrition "secrets" used by the world's elite to help you optimize your ability to pack on lean rock-hard muscle NATURALLY. Yes, you read that correctly.
It's recently been updated with the latest research and the new program just went live. 

You can read about 5 uncommon ways to  IMMEDIATELY double your gains here 

When Ben sent this to me to look over I was BLOWN AWAY by how simple it can be truly maximize your growth potential.

Once you read this, you'll be kicking yourself for not doing these 5 things sooner. I can't wait to implement #4 myself.

#5 is pure GOLD if you've been struggling with putting on fat instead of muscle.
