Thursday, March 21, 2013


Is drinking and driving really the cause of all the accidents and road deaths or a large percentage of them?
This is a subject that has been debated for a long time now but I think the authorities have missed a few points.
I have seen friends get arrested for DUI that have never been in an accident in their life and yet I have also seen friends involved in to many accidents who don't drink. This posed a question is drink the main cause of road accidents?
Lets look at a couple of facts. ask yourself how many people you know who drink on a regular basis and calculate what percentage of them are in your friends circle. Now think how many drink on a social basis.
Most people I know including myself will come up with a pretty high percentage and as you will know it is now always a problem at the end of the evening as people need to get home. 
Now I would say before the DUI laws 80% of people were drinking freely and driving and they found that 60% of people involved in road accidents had alcohol levels in their system....DUH what would you expect. 
Now that the laws are in place that statistic has obviously dropped but it is still high I believe. Now here is the question if you put the laws in place why have the road deaths and accidents increased? Now you will say yes but there are more cars on the road. So do yourself a favour and work it out % against total cars and you will still see an increase. While we all agree that alcohol does impare your judgement and that there will always be that person who is so drunk that he will cause an accident the stats don't add up. Then I thought is it not possible that the drunk causing accidents would be drinking regardless of the law and will always cause the accident anyway thus a small percentage of idiots are causing every other responsible person difficulty.
You now cannot have 2 glasses of wine at the dinner table or a couple of beers with your friends and drive your car as a result of the extreme. DUI laws are a necessary evil but they seem to be rather extreme and certain people seem to have gone over the edge believing it. We must realise that poor driving, a lack of driving experience,no licence,idiocy,un roadworthiness and stupidity are the main causes of accidents and this needs to be addressed more than anything else. Why when a taxi a public carrier putting lives in danger commits a road offence it is a small fine or if it is un roadworthy the vehicle licence is removed. No criminal offence there, yet if someone has had a couple of drinks and drives they are labeled a criminal. If you skip a red traffic light is it not more serious? I personally prefer to not drink and drive as I don't need the hassle but really sitting thinking about it I just can't see that drink alone is the cause of poor driving.

There are many whom will disagree as many tests have proved that if you are impaired it does affect your reactions but the DUI laws have not reduced or helped in any way the road situation and something else needs to be looked at.
Accidents are caused by foolish moments and we should not forget that.
comments are welcome simply click on the comments link below.
