Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Affirmative Action

Do we really still need Affirmative Action in South Africa?
I am really glad I am not part of any group labeled for affirmative action as I would be embarrassed. Imagine everybody has just declared your clan unable to look after themselves, dumb ass or incapable of making a living without some form of assistance. Might as well park in the disabled parking then.
We have just spent the last 20 years trying to up lift 1 group of South Africans and only 1 group, forcing the race card onto south Africans that would not even have understood racism as they were born in 1994, had it been done correctly to become as racist as their parents were or are. Why was the money spent on road signs, name changes,government housing,government cars, big salaries and RDP housing to name but a few when it should have been spent on education. Not just schooling, None of the adults were ever educated about change and the need for change in our country.
We simply throw money at a problem that no amount of money in the world can solve. We expect because we grow up poor or slightly disadvantaged that the world now owes us something there is absolutely no way of getting of our fat arse and sorting ourselves out. We have instead taught certain groups to rely on other groups for sustenance. When that group leaves everybody starves. Affirmative action should never have lasted longer than 5 years in fact it should never have been the answers to the problem in the 1st place.
We replaced one type of racism with another.I have been watching people and it seems people are grouping now more than ever and it is obvious why just watch TV. Racism is drummed into your head while watching your favourite shows on TV and even during adverts.
The youngsters of today don't deserve this as it was resolved by our generation, those being given free opportunity will never know if they were really capable and those being left out are feeling cheated and getting angry with the system.
You teach people how to treat you or react to you so don't ever be surprised by the way you are handled or treated it is what you asked for.There will never be equal opportunity while we continue to live in the past and not look to the future. If we carry on living in the past our grandchildren will inherit this trait so stop being self centered and greedy and spend our taxes on educating our people, oh and by the way we are all African  in Africa as it belongs to all of us not just one race group.Lets stop revolving everything around groups or sides and start looking at what our country,our continent,our world needs for a better future.

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Until next time.......... 

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